Step 1

Instant entry of the item into the database

The details concerning the found object are immediately transferred to the archive:

  • picture of the item
  • time and date
  • place
  • item category

Step 2

Fluid and simple cataloguing, add info and save

The item is registered in the database. Here the office operator may add information, will print and attach the label processed by the software and store it

Step 3

The owner looking for his lost item fills in the online form

From a PC or a telephone, by connecting to your website’s L&F section, the searchers are redirected to the Scouthing form where they fill in the details allowing to identify the lost object, they add their personal data and confirm their identity.

  • they can upload photos
  • they add personal details
  • they validate their identity

Step 4

A new notification!
The system sends an alert in real time

When the matching system finds the lost object in the database, a notification is sent to the searcher to carry out the comparison. Once the item has been recognized, the owner requests its shipment.


  • automatic matching
  • shipping managment
  • real time reporting

Step 5

Scouthing sends the carrier to pick up the package ready for shipment

Scouthing selects the shipper and sends it to pick the packet up.

Once the package has been delivered to the carrier, pre-composed emails send the tracking link to the recipient. A simple click allows checking on the route

  • shipping management
  • automatic link tracking