Trust Scouthing

Scouthing is the software platform designed to manage the items lost and found on your premises

Choose Scouthing for simple and effective management of the recovery and cataloguing of items lost on your premises, and the return to their rightful owners.

Request a demo and see how the platform works

Simplify and speed up return of items with the Scouthing management system

Take a photo
Take a photo of the lost item using the App provided by Scouthing; the data will be automatically recognized and sent to the database
The object is automatically catalogued
You can add any other useful details to the description.
File the item by attaching the label created by the system
Manage your inventory
When you have a match, you hand over the item to the shipper.
The system manages the shipment for you.

Generate added value for your business

Make the Scouting service part of your business and speed up Lost and Found procedures simply and safely







Shopping centers

Public transport

Cinemas and theaters


By simplifying search operations, Scouthing can streamline Lost Property offices processes

Public contact staff

As soon as the item is found, the app is ready to take pictures of it and save the data in real time (location, time and type of object)

Back office

Cataloguing software to track and monitor found items and reports of items lost


Platform where they can check that their lost property has been found and streamline the recovery process

Compare Scouthing with competing platforms

Lost & Found Crowdfind Findmylost Novafind Scouthing
Automatic Matching
Database software
Self-service portal
Shipping management
Image recognition
Pre-set templates
Real time report
Found object alert